Oh my oh my.

Archive for September 11th, 2007

Posted on: September 11, 2007

Job’s pretty smooth and good. No overwhelming stacks of work and the people around are really nice. The only setback is having to wake up at 6 every morning. Its been about 9 months since i last experienced waking so early for 5 days in a week. How on earth did i manage to pull through 4years of morning blues i have no idea.

Oh well, all’s good, UNTIL lunch. Its like the whole work force of SG is gathered at the CBD and everyone is snatching for lunch. And really, singaporeans should stop the disgusting habit of leaving packets of tissue papers to “chop” seats. HELLO THE TISSUE PAPERS DON’T EVEN HAVE YOUR NAME PLEASE. At least let a person sit there or something. I should attempt to take away the tissue packets and sit down some day. Wonder what they’ll say. I bet foreigners go “OH MY, WHY ARE THERE SO MANY PACKETS OF FREE TISSUE? SINGAPOREANS SURE ARE CLEAN FREAKS.” when they set foot in hawker centres for the first time.

I’m seeing yu shimin so much i think i’m gonna be sick of her at the end of 5weeks. Vice versa.

ok i’m tired. BYE. =)