Oh my oh my.

Archive for November 2006

See, i knew i forgot to blog about something. grgh. so yesterday, before going home, junnah and i went to the library for a while also. we were just randomly browsing through the shelves, until we saw this title, ‘How animals have sex.’ man, the title was so intriguing, i took it off the shelves immediately. and started to flip through, and then i saw the picture of turtles mating. then i whispered to junnah, ‘hey, i thought that the turtle’s shells are impermeable?’ and she laughed. HEH. very funny meh? i was serious ok. ok, i wasn’t, it was just something that came to my mind out of nowhere. anyway, we went on and saw many other funny creatures. one of it was something i forgot what its called, the female was er, 20,000 or 200,000 times bigger than the male, i forgot. then i told jun again, ‘i think the male can be small enough to be the sperm lar.’ and she laughed again. what’s with her man? its either i’m very humourous or she hadn’t had a good laugh for very long. what do you think? i think its the first. HA.

i shall start today’s post with something random. just now, the PSS2 show, F3 Lee Her Ching’s dress, the green one. KELLY WORE IT BEFORE! she wore it when she shot the ChU MV last year, remember? the one when they featured each of the Top 4 with their ‘成名曲’. still can’t remember? the bei ai de nu ren one lar. jy’s one was jie kou, sin huey’s one was bu yao shuo bao qian and the last scene with her hugging the, er, pillow. there, pictures for reference if you still can’t remember. YES. THIS IS THE ONE. grgh.

last week, F4, Carrie Yeo, she had on her a brown tube, with a ribbon alike thing on the front, kelly wore it once too! at the final superstar auditions, though hers was blue in colour. i don’t have Carrie’s picture, but i do have Kelly’s one. see below, yes, this is the one.

anyway, sam told junnah and me last night that evie and her met 3 cute angmoh guys at the IT mall yesterday. and apparently, one of them has the hots for evie! man, that 2, they get guys everywhere. literally. anyway, the main thing was sam’s recount, something that was so filled with anticipation and excitement was surprisingly anti-climax. thanks to Miss Sammah’s ‘wait!-that’s-not-the-point-yet’ way of presenting. junnah and i spent more time hurrying her more than listening.

anyway, i went for ice cream with junnah yesterday! to our huge dismay though, there wasn’t any Meadow Gold Cookies n Cream anymore, only Rum n Raisins. ILL. who cares for Rum and Raisins sia? in the end, we settled for some Tiramisu flavoured thing, which is a cheat ice cream. it was nothing more that vanilla and coffee flavoured ice cream with caramel, and the caramel was on the top only. WTH. cheater! after buying, we went to the staircase at the MRT station to devour it. i almost choked on it. it was bloody creamy, very very thick. and yes, we finished off the whole tub. YUM, though a bit er, you know the feeling after eating a lot of creamy ice cream? yeah, YUM, but a bit urgh. after that, we went to Popular to buy something that i won’t tell cus Jun says its a secret so i shall not say, and went home.
oh yes, and we both agree that Popular’s slogan is damn dumb. goes something like this, ‘Because of you, we’re Popular.’ HUR.

SAMMAH got CHEATED. intially, she heard $30/hr, now they tell her its $30 per shift. man, that’s a huge world of difference lar. but then again, one shift of hers is only 4hours, $7.50 per hour is also reasonable, but still, she’s quitting.

i just remembered something again. Sam asked me once on the bus if i say ‘i love you’ to my friends. after some time, my answer to her was no. how can? if i were to die in my sleep tonight, won’t the people whom i love know that i had loved them? in order to prevent that, i shall do this now.
PEOPLE! FRIENDS! FAMILY! ACQUAINTANCES! i love you all! i really do! without you people, there won’t be me. really. you all have made an impact in my my life, be it big or small, it mattered to me in every way. i love and thank you all from the bottom of my heart sincerely.

i need money. i need money. i need money. whoever is kind enough to spare me some, please please leave your contact in my comments’ link, i’ll give you my POSB account number. ok, i was kidding! really, what’s with the absence of sense of humour nowadays? anyway, if you want to spare me some cash, i really don’t mind!

ok, i shall off this post with something equally random too. er, don’t we all think that this season’s PSS’s judges are bloody more lenient? i mean, first QF only 37.5, hey, 1.5more than kelly ok. then later how? Full marks? madness.


HAHA. no time to blog now! shall continue tonight!

A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Birthday:: 4th september
Birthplace:: Singapore
Eye Color:: Black
Hair Color:: Black
Height:: 1.6m
Weight:: 55kg
Right handed or Left handed?: right handed
Your Heritage:: Er, chinese?
My Worst Habit:: not sure.
Zodiac Sign:: Horse
Shoe Size:: 6
Pants Size:: 2
Innie or Outie?: outie
Parents Still Together?: yes
The Shoes You Wore Today:: slippers
Your Weakness:: i dont know?
Your Fears:: amphibians
Your Perfect Pizza:: seafood
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: earn more money
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: PUI
Thoughts First Waking Up:: what’s the time?
Your Best Physical Feature:: no idea.
Your Bedtime:: 3am is the earliest.
Your Most Missed Memory:: loads
Favorite color?: GREEN
Food?: hotpot
Sport?: badminton
Animal?: horse
Ice Cream?: cookies and cream
Candy?: chocolate
Store?: retail store
Salad Dressing?: thousand island
Actor?: 吴彦祖. he’s irresistibly charming.
Song?: a lot.
Letter?: A
Number?: 52
Gum?: wrigley’s
Holiday?: end of Os holidays.
Season?: autumn
Toothpaste Flavor?: green tea
Radio Station?: 93.3fm
Perfume?: dolly girl on the beach by
Anna Sui
Scent besides perfume?: smell of fresly brewed tea
Body part on the opposite sex?: eyes
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: successful career woman
How Do You Want To Die?: peacefully
Turn ons:: smoke free.
Turn offs:: unkempt appearance
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: weimin?
Who’s The Loudest?: me
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: sammah and junnah.
Who Have You Known The Longest?: jasmine
Who’s The Shyist?: huishan
When Have You Cried The Most?: forgot
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: HAPPINESS
Worst Feeling?: boredom
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: some chichi places.
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: weight.
How Long Do You Think You’ll Live?: 60?
Let’s walk on the: beach
Let’s look at the: sky
What a nice: day
Where did all the: ice cream go?
Why can’t we: just sit down and talk?
Silly, little: arse
Isn’t it weird that: she’s so quiet today?
Never under any circumstance: i will embarrass myself
I wish: i had more money.
Everyone has a: dream
I am: me
Been In Love?: not yet
Been To Juvie?: no
Mooned Someone?: no
Been Rejected?: no
Ran Away From Home?: no
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: no
Skipped School?: yes
Thought About Suicide?: yes
Slept Outside?: no
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: yes
Cried In School?: yes
Thrown Up In School?: yes
Wanted To Be a Model?: yes
Cheated On Someone?: no
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: yes
Seen A Dead Body?: no
Been Bitched Out?: yes
Drank Alcohol?: yes
Smoked?: no
Been On Drugs?: no
Eaten Sushi?: YES
Been On Stage?: yes
Gone Skinny Dipping?: no
Shoplifted?: no
Been Drunk?: no
Been Called A Tease?: no
Been Beaten Up?: no
Swear?: yes
Sing Well?: ok
Shower Daily?: yes
Want To Go To College?: yes
Want To Get Married?: yes
Believe In Yourself?: yes
Get Motion Sickness?: no
Think You Are Attractive?: not at all.
Get Along With Your Parents?: yes
Like Thunderstorms?: ok
Play An Instrument?: no
Own An IPOD?: no
Pray?: not really
Go To Church?: no
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: no
Keep A Journal/Diary?: no
Dance In The Rain?: depends.
Sing In The Shower?: yes
Pepsi or Coke?: pepsi
McDonald’s or Burger King?: mac
Single or Group Dates?: group dates
Chocolate or Vanilla?: chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries?: neither
Meat or Veggies?: meat
TV or Movie?: TV
Guitar or Drums?: guitar
Adidas or Nike?: Adidas
Chinese or Mexican?: Chinese
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: corn flakes
Cake or Pie?: pie
MTV or VH1?: MTV
Blind or Deaf?: blind
Boxers or Briefs?: boxers
Do The Splits?: no
Write With Both Hands?: no
Whistle?: no
Blow A Bubble?: yes
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: no
Cross Your Eyes?: no
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: no
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: no
Dance?: no
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: no
You Touched:: my cousin.
You Talked To On The Phone:: my sister.
You Instant Messaged:: shimin
You Hugged:: sammah
You Yelled At:: my brother
You Played A Sport With:: sammah and junnah
Time You Laughed?: yesterday
Time You Cried?: er… a month ago?
Movie You Watched?: Hannibal rising.
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: mint
Joke You Told?: parrot
Song You’ve Sung?: december
Where Are You?: in my room
What Can You See Out Your Window?: the opposite block
Are You Listening To Music?: yes
What Are You Wearing?: shirt and shorts
What’s On Your Mousepad?: mouse
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: yes
Do you believe in miracles?: yes
Magic?: yes
Love at first sight?: yes
God?: yes
Satan?: yes
Ghosts?: yes
Santa?: yes
Evolution?: yes
Fav Eye Color:: brown
Fav Hair Color:: black
Short or Long Hair:: short
Height:: 1.75
Weight:: 60
Best Clothing Style:: random
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: dubai
Number Of CD’s I Own:: er, 25?
Your Good Luck Charm:: none
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 2
Do you drink milk?: yes
Person You Hate Most:: no
Most Outdated Phrase:: so cute!
Do you think God has a gender?: yes
Where do you think we go when we die?: heaven
How many rings until you answer the phone?: 3
What is something scientists need to invent?: better blackhead removers
Are you a health freak?: no
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: mars
What is the worst weather?: rain and shine at the same time
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: yes
How many grades have you failed?: nil
Take this survey Find more surveys
Bzoink – The Original Survey Site

EEK. i’m so bored. boredboredbored. BORED you know. nothing to do at all except for nua-ing and rotting. MADNESS. i don’t know is it my eyes or what, but i thought i saw mould growing on me.
i remembered something! yesterday, on my way home, i saw a frog. ILL. a freaking ugly frog. intially i thought it was a leaf that fell from the tree, and it was moving due to the wind, but then the ‘leaf’ was quite agile, so not a characteristic of a leaf right? i went closer and it moved further, and upon even closer inspection, it was a FROG. goodness me. i stepped away immediately, almost falling in the process, then i walked away quickly with a bit of run in the process. EEK. lucky that frog was clever enough to jump away, if it ever did jump on me, i would stepped it to death because i would jump around in horror, screaming like a madwoman while at it. and then with it all mangled and bloody and gory as its retribution for jumping on me. OK. i’m not that sick lar. exaggeration.
on second thoughts though, if i was brave enough, i might have caught it and had it for supper. frog porridge. YUM. the thought of it makes me drool. ok, digression. *slaps self to wake self up.*

i want to do something. if not, my body system will soon cease to function due to the lack of use. urgh.

i guess, 人都是贱的。before Os were over, everyone begged for the holidays to come come come earlier. now, its only ONE MISERABLE WEEK after the exams only and we are all dying from boredom. KILL ME LAR.
oh well currently, i’m msn-ing with junnah to kill boredom. cus she’s bored too. but she’s mean. see what i mean:

THE TRICIA ALWAYS =) BIXUAN!!! lalala, she’s so cute! says:
i’m bored. JUNNAH! I’M BLORED
pufferfish. says:
pufferfish. says:
pufferfish. says:
THE TRICIA ALWAYS =) i’m so bored. boredboredbored. says:

SEE? and she’s supposed to be my bestest girl. tsk tsk.

jun and i are seriously contemplating if we should go for ice-cream at White Sands now. i think we should! and off we go! LALALA.

THE TRICIA ALWAYS =) i’m so bored. boredboredbored. says:
HAHA. shall we go white sands and buy a tub of cookies and cream and pig out at one corner
THE TRICIA ALWAYS =) i’m so bored. boredboredbored. says:
THE TRICIA ALWAYS =) i’m so bored. boredboredbored. says:
pufferfish. says:
THE TRICIA ALWAYS =) i’m so bored. boredboredbored. says:
pufferfish. says:
whoa are u serious ?(:
THE TRICIA ALWAYS =) i’m so bored. boredboredbored. says:
actually. YES
THE TRICIA ALWAYS =) i’m so bored. boredboredbored. says:
since we’re bored anyway
pufferfish. says:
pufferfish. says:
but wait
pufferfish. says:
how much does ice cream cost?
pufferfish. says:
u mean tub?
THE TRICIA ALWAYS =) i’m so bored. boredboredbored. says:
pufferfish. says:
THE TRICIA ALWAYS =) i’m so bored. boredboredbored. says:
ME TOO OK. others suck.
THE TRICIA ALWAYS =) i’m so bored. boredboredbored. says:
anyway, its 5+?
pufferfish. says:
YEAH OKAY . hahah i only have 5 pus
pufferfish. says:

THE TRICIA ALWAYS =) i’m so bored. boredboredbored. says:
i have 5+ too!
THE TRICIA ALWAYS =) i’m so bored. boredboredbored. says:
we have 10+ together! YAY
pufferfish. says:
pufferfish. says:
now ?
THE TRICIA ALWAYS =) i’m so bored. boredboredbored. says:
anythang. its a bit late and all, but i dont mind! LOL. but ah. no cam


lalala! Chomel called me just now and told me that i was employed! now finally, no more job hunts! and i might be posted to the Chomel in airport, how nice! i like. man, how i adore working in there! i can get a pass you know! the pass into the DFS area, cus i’ll be working in there! actually, i have other intentions! when Kelly goes Taiwan, people say bye at the entry there, i can go in lar, how nice right? say bye until boarding gates. ok . KIDDING. RELAX. i’m not that mad.


i just found out how cute penguins are about one hour ago. you see, i was switching channels and chanced upon Animal Planet. they were talking about a oilspill that happened somewhere which i don’t know where. anyway, the main thing was the cuddly penguins. apparently, that oilspill spoilt their habitat and many of their feathers were stained with oil, which could be fatal to them. so, in order to save them, a group of volunteers tried to help by cleaning those cuties up. they washed and to make sure that their feathers are ‘in working condition’ put them in swimming pools to make sure that they can swim properly again.

now, obviously the main thing isn’t the cleaning process, its the PENGUINS! aiyoh, they were so cute. especially the baby ones! the way they walk! AH! they waddle, not walk!! WADDLING! how cute man! the way they can waddle and strut and and whatever lar. it was just so cute! i want a penguin!
come to think of it, i was obsessed with penguins once, when i was in primary school! i had loads of penguin related things. until P6, when Mr Thiru nicknamed Andy ‘Penguin’. from then on, whenever i think of penguins, i think of Andy, which traumatised me so much, i threw away all my penguin things. ok lar, exaggeration. but i don’t have my penguins with me already. they are either given or thrown away.
hmmm. now that i’ve seen how cute penguins can be again, i want to watch Happy Feet. they feature penguins so cute, you just want to hug them there and then. especially the one called Gloria. AH! i can’t stand it, with her puffy cheeks and round body and best of all? she looks darn squashable! i love her! PENGUINS!

when you take the MRT, have you ever noticed the Red and Green lines on the top? this afternoon, on my way back i looked up and *gasp* found out that there was no NS12. you see, there’s NS11, NS13, NS14, but no NS12. eh, WHY HUH?! i thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, but on a closer look, they weren’t! there just wasn’t any NS12.
NS11 – Sembawang
NS13 – Yishun
NS14 – Khatib

Eh. WHERE IS NS12?! someone enlighten me please. where is NS12? tell me!

irrelevant things over. back to more significant things.

this morning i dreamt of something weird lar. i dreamt of Bixuan’s *ahem proposing to Bixuan’s *ahem’s ahem. MAD RIGHT? what’s wrong with me huh? i think all the going out is making me mad. can’t think properly and thus dream of weird things. i want to cry can! i’m still unemployed, eeyer, this sucks. i need money! oh money, money, why can’t you come to me instead.

Bixuan! i’m missing online already! the *ahems too! come back quick ok? =). have fun though.

i bought a parrot
but it did not said it was hungry.
so it died.

hello. MADNESS. its bloody funny lar. so GAY. i almost died from all the laughter. but no, i told myself i can’t die cus this would benefit the people who don’t like me. LALALA. one of my goals in life is to constantly be around to irritate the people who don’t like me! deedumdumm.

yayness! bixuan’s blog is up again! and jun has a new blog too! CELEBRATE. and REJOICE. Chomel called me for an interview! YAY. i’m so not gonna be jobless anymore. man, have you any idea how sickening is it to go out everyday? town, bugis, town, bugis. SIAO, very tiring and its a chore when you can only window shop. so in order to be able to shop properly, i shall try finding a job asap! any recommendations, please leave it in the comments. thank you all! =)
and you know what? its like almost everyone has a job already. eh, how come they so easy one? shimin said later we spent the whole vacation finding nice jobs and end up not being able to qualify for any one. touchwood! another reason to rejoice and celebrate. junnah’s going for the JC first 3 months! YAY! she will do us proud! =). dee dum.

JUNNAH. if you read this, JIAYOU! and and, no matter what happens we still love you as much as before, no worries! SMILE darling, you know your smile brightens up my day anytime.

you see, i was site-hopping and chanced upon this site, again. OH MAN. i thought it was no longer working? but anyway, HAHA. look at the vast difference!

then and now.

November 2006.
somewhere in June 2005.

now will you look at how much she has changed? now, this is why they say, TIME FLIES. =)

and the good judgement thing, you know how many messages Kelly received on the official PSS web? it totalled to a whooping 732 pages! MADNESS! don’t believe? see here. she topped all the females ok! the runner up is Silver i think, with a grand total of 342 pages. HELLO. she at least DOUBLED the runner up if you haven’t noticed. but she’s not the one with most messages in the Top 24. Derrick got like 1000+ pages.
ok digressing. just thought to post up something to update, by chance saw the very first promotional photo, so i compared it with the photo took like, say 5days ago? no offense to anyone and tada! with that, i end today’s insignificant post. =D