Oh my oh my.

Archive for April 2007

I’ve found out a new thing about myself. I got a tendency to abuse my belongings. The other day, i was telling shimin that i abused my bags, i think i treat them like crap. I think they are big, and put like everything inside. Giving myself unnecessary weight on the shoulder, and almost trying to spoil the bag in process. If my bags could talk, i bet they’ll say this, “Stop putting things in me! If i can’t take it, i’ll commit suicide!”(in a bag’s position, to split and make all my things drop.) Sighhhhhhhhh. That aside, i abused my feet today. I tell myself, i won’t wear heels unless i know i’m going out to just sit and some random place, e.g, some crap event which doesn’t require much standing. For everything else, i’ll just stick to my comfy pair of birks. Ahhhhhhhhhh.

Sm and i saw fake bengs on the train today. We were on our way to town and was at the 2-seater seat at the end of the orange cabin, meaning, the last/first seat of the train. Anyway, that’s out of the point, opposite us, sat 2 bummers, who thought that they owned SMRT, on their phones to max to play some shit crap techno music. Damn it, it was frigging noisy i tell you. Shimin was so blur, she asked, “Is it me or is the train playing songs?” I gave her the what-the-hell look and asked her to look opposite, she then went, “Ohhhh.” The train then started to move, when we were slowly reaching Tampines station, that 2 shit beings started doing some spastic actions with the hands, all the while thinking that they are damn cool. Yeah cool, my foot. Then they purposely exaggerated their actions, as if trying to tell the whole world that they are doing some spastic shit. Tsk, guys like this are such major turn-offs.

Good trip today despite my aching legs! i got a pair of black shorts! WHOO! i’m so in love with shorts, i’m gonna wear them to school everyday. And i bought the cheesecake that my mum liked for her! See, i’m a nice daughter.

Sm suggested that we do a one day trip to Bangkok. And not tell anyone. Go there with nothing except money, then come bag with bags full of things. Not a bad idea, i like! Things there are so cheap anyway, even cheaper than TW i think. Tsk, both of use miss TW like some shit. =\ The super carefree days with super shiok weather! I WANT TO GO BACK THERE! Seriously i don’t mind going back there every 3 months if i have the cash to spend. It’ll be like, woohoo! I’ll rent a room in that hotel we stayed in the other time. So cosy ah, plus all the nice nice uncles and aunties. =D YAY! Taiwan is the loveeeeeeeeeeeee!

Next week’s Mayday. Another free day off the timetable! YES! =) i still very much prefer rotting at home everyday than to go school and attend boring and redundant lectures like CSA. Oh yes, i want to work! Preferably in the airport! Those with job offers, leave it in the comments!

*Addicted to this song now! Steph sun’s 心愿, its not new, but i got to hear it only recently and i’m now super in love with it!

Oh hi! School’s been pretty good, i’m liking communication skills and Econs, accounts is really, as usual, then CSA is a subject i’m so gonna fail. But still, i’m not bothered!(For now at the very least). Accounts is really dry. So dry, Sahara desert will be ashamed. Anyway, something tells me that YSM is asleep cus she’s not replying my msn and smses. TSK. She’s back to her sleeping days.

I’m not getting a laptop so soon! I want a next IT fair so that i can get the pretty laptop cover in green for free! Yeah, the not rich people like me have to wait for good deals, e.g, roadshows and IT fairs.

*This post is going to be jumpy, from one random to another random.

I went back to collect my Os cert yesterday. Sighhh. What’s the point of having the cert when you already have the result slip? And Shimin came online a bit and went back to sleep. I think she’s like sleeping so much to make up for not sleeping a lot during the infamous ‘rotting period’ for a number of people. So now, i’m quite bored without her to make noise with me. =\

YAY! i’m super in love with my orange shorts! So comfortable and pretty!

Sigh, i wanted to blog like a hell lot of things but i forgot and didn’t know where to start. Some things are better left unsaid.

 *Eyecandy for myself!


if you’re still not excited after seeing this, i don’t know what will…

Its quite shit to have big feet sometimes. Take today for example. I was in town with sm and wan, buying stuffs, then we went into one random shop at far east and woohoo, saw the cutest pair of flats i’ve ever seen. I tried it on, then realised that it was too small(size 36 only can), so i requested for a 38 instead, to my major disappointed, the salesperson said this, “Sorry miss. This is the largest size we have for this shoe.” You should have seen the look on my face. It was from super excited to super depressed. CRAP SHIT.

Grrrr. I’m so not buying shoes at far east anymore.

*I got some free Lancome samples to try on their new stuffs, woo! I think the trial mascara is cute. AHAHHAHA.

Don’t say i’m not nice, for the benefit of you people, http://movies.yahoo.com/feature/harrypotterandtheorderofthephoenix.html, this is the link to the OoTP trailer!

Quicktime: http://raincloud.warnerbros.com/wbmovies/orderofthephoenix/trailer/trailer_100.mov

Windows Media player: http://raincloud.warnerbros.com/wbmovies/orderofthephoenix/trailer/trailer_300.asx

ENJOY PEOPLE! 78 more days to the movie and 86 more days to the final chapter. =)

School proper today! Whoo! I’d like to say that tutorials are way cooler than lectures. I think lectures are a waste of time. Like today, i had a lecture for basic accounting, and i told myself, “Thank god for Mdm Zaibon in Sec school.” Ok maybe it was my wron for not really paying attention in the lecture, but i did that subject before! And i even though am not some pro, got a b3, which i think is quite ok, and were doing accounting principles today, thanks but thanks cus i spent about 3 days memorising those shit before i had my Os and i still can remember them. Anyway, point is, lectures are officially boring. Tutorials are nice, albeit a bit dry, but nontheless, its more cosy. =) I’m wearing birks to school tomorrow! WHEE.

After lessons, i met with my Sm(yeah, she ‘s mine.) for lunch at the IT school’s foodcourt, why don’t they have one with aircon in Biz sch? i think its quite terrible to be eating with no aircon when the weather is so horrible already, for that, i don’t mind eating in IT sch’s foodcourt for the rest of my days in TP.

And anyway, i think about 654974 people takes bus 15 every morning.

I was blog-hopping around the whole place just now and chanced upon some random blog whose url i forgot. No such need to remember such lame shits anyway. So, i was reading and reading( and frankly, that’s one of the worst things to read. Twit with not-so-good english.) and found the person saying that she used to have no friends in secondary school. Come on, an average person spends about 4-5 years in their lovely secondary school, and you’re telling me that, throughout that long span of time, you have no friends. and you want to tell people like its your ‘friends’ fault. Get a life ok? If the whole school ostracised you in school, then i jolly well think its more of your problem rather than theirs. I mean, how can the whole gang of people you know all don’t like you? It must be your attitude or the way you handle things what. You think there’s so many people around who’s so free to ostracise you? SHUT lar crap shit. Stop making the whole world think that you’re damn bloody poor thing cus you had no friends in school. I can safely tell you, carry on doing things like that, be prepared to be even more ostracised in society in future. Thanks and yeah, shut up.


“If Dumbledore’s going to have an army, then i want to fight!” SO SEXY CAN. =) WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!

I’m going to kidnap Dan Radcliffe if he ever makes it to island Singapore.

i don’t need to tell you that i love Dan Radcliffe for another time.

I enjoyed myself so much these 2 days! I’m telling you all peeps who went JC, i bet you never had an orientation as fun as the Poly ones! One word to describe this, “Fantabulous.” =) The thing with poly orientation is that, SLs make a huge part of it. For us, the SLs were very very efficient, they’ll make the whole school go all hyper and enthu and cheer like some major noise irritant, but who cares?! We’re having so much fun! And the SLs are those who will inspire you, because they’re so nice, united and all, you want to give it a try and experience all the fun that they’re having, its just damn good. I’ll never forget orientatioooooooooooooooooooon. =D

Anyway, got our matriculation cards and i think i look like some fat lump of hideous shit in it. I got my timetable too, its not bad! i have lots of breaks in between lessons! If secondary schools had timetables like that, no one would attempt to play truant just because they don’t want to stay in the freaking school for 8-10 hours on a average weekday! I can’t wait for Basic Accounting 1! I’ll be sleeping in these accounting lectures, and why? CUS I DID BASIC TEDIOUS SHIT ACCOUNTING FOR 2 LONG YEARS. And accompanying are a few of my other classmates. My class is fun! Everyone clicks together well enough, which is definitely a good news!

3 times Champion. Who else can achieve that other than the super power Business school? WE ROCK. Regatta’07 was superb, it was so amazing i tell you, it gets everyone involved and it bonds people together. Our cheers were deafening, and the SLs were so enthu to a stage that will make you feel that if you aren’t enthu enough, you’ll be letting them down. And dragon boating is exciting, plus telematches were all entertaining. I screamed until i lost my voice today. Thanks. =) Ok, i forgot a lot of things that i wanted to blog about. So, til next time then.

” Sine sine cosine sine, 3.14159! Business Business oh so fine! We’ll win the war this time! ”

WHOO! Nice nice! I LOVE TP’S MASS DANCE I TELL YOU. ITS SO NICE AND EASY AND FUN AND WOOOOOOOOO! MASS DANCE IS SO COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! Especially when everyone does it together! Everyone’s like damn high when the mass dance music starts.I have nice classmates! Everyone was friendly and nice and sociable and 1B03 is LOUD ok. Lalalala!

I have a classmate called Angel and i think i really like people like her. She’s like her name, an Angel. Then there’s Jenna who was very nice and friendly, Alvin who’s super hyper kind, and a Rosanne( i don’t know if its spelt like that!) who’s super pretty i tell you. there’s Ashikin(spelling right? no?) and Alaine, and Jasmine and Michelle, Marsella who is one petite girl and ivy who’s tall and slim. =) And our SLs were veeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrry nice also! Very helpful and fun-loving people who can tahan anti-social freshies like us at the beginning of the day. =D

Today’s activities were as usual, ice breakers, cheers, lunch, tour around school, briefing and games. All in all, nice. =)

But amidst all these fun and laughter, there is still the ever present kind of sadness. I miss 4e5 i tell you. I REALLY MISS 4E5! =( I miss all the fun, laughter, gambling and crap with them. Lovely 4e5. We’ll do a chalet ok? and arvinfd, rebonding your hair was a wrong choice. =)

*YAY! Choir maintained their Silver! Though from what adele said, they could have gotten a gold actually. =) JIAYOU JUNIORS! Oh, band dropped and got Silver also, from gold to silver.

P/S : My eyelashes are dropping at a rate so fast, i think in a few weeks time, i have to use fake lashes as my eyelashes. I can’t believe it. I’m not even doing anything to it, no mascara, no curling and it just drops everyday. SICK. i don’t have much eyelashes in the first place already and they are dropping like some shit crap. TSK.

will be my poly orientation. =\ I’m excited, but at the same time, worried. What if i can’t make friends. That’s going to be real bad since i still have 3 more years.  and i really do hope i get a class full of nice people! Sm was telling IT sch’s orientation was all nice and fun and she enjoyed it a lot. Plus she said her class has really nice people also, and asked me not to worry. =D Everything will turn out fine, trust me.

Just now, i went with mum and dad to Giant, Ikea and Courts and bought like 3486763 things. We bought a mini hi-fi, 54584 things for the house and almost had a new TV back, but it was out of stock, so they might be going back in a few days to check if they have it then get it.

Up to 6pm just now, i then realised that i have no proper covered shoes at all for sporty activities. I mean, you really can’t count flats as proper shoes for activities, much less heels. Adding to that, i don’t own any sports attire at all. Minus school PE shorts and shirt, thank you.

SAM, look at the brighter side ok? Things really can’t get that bad. Relax yourself and enjoy these few days more before school starts officially. =D Smile Samtengjiayin. =)

I’ve been hibernating like some pig these few days. I wake at 3, 4pm each day, true, i sleep at 4+ cloae to 5am almost everyday, but waking at 4 is like sick. Its going to be evening and you just woke, you don’t feel like doing anything at all.

 Shit i have no idea which bag to bring tomorrow.

Ok bye. i don’t want to be late for tomorrow. =)


Posted on: April 17, 2007

i just came home from a trip to some specs shop. I’m super tired now can, but at least my specs are ready. And can be collected by friday. =) I wanted to make a pair of designer specs one ok, like woohoo, so cool, but then again, i thought spending like $650 on a pair of Dior is quite dumb since i won’t be wearing it 24/7. So i settled for a simple one instead. I was so tempted to get the Ray Ban police shades. SO COOOOOOOOL. But i don’t see any need for it. Anyway, school’s starting in 2days! WHEE. =D I know there will be many many nice people.

 I want to buy a cap. i want to buy a cap. I want a  pretty one from Ed Hardy! I know i know, you’re so gonna say i’m brand whoring again. SO?! Cannot huh. Seriously, i just take a longer look at branded stuffs what. I DON’T GO ROUND ASKING PEOPLE TO BUY THEM FOR ME. I don’t tell my mum or anyone else for that matter that i want a large Chanel 2.55 or that i need a Vernis Porte Tresor International wallet to put my stuffs when its my birthday, if i did, i would be living in slumps now. WRONG. i wouldn’t even have a place to live in. See, the problem is, i’m perfectly fine with brandless stuffs also what. HUH. you don’t see me bringing some big brands out what. HUH HUH. Stop saying that i’m a brand whore cus i’m in actual fact NOT. Those whom you’re supposed to call are people who will die when they don’t have their head to toe in big brands. Anyway, back to topic, i think Ed Hardy, although some styles are really out of the world, i think they have really nice and unique caps. But last time i heard, one of those cost about $200+ bucks. =( Forget it. I’ll not buy any caps for the moment since i find not much use for it.

Ok, here you are. All updated. =)

*I heard FO was super fun. I regretted not going. If only i registered an hour earlier, i wouldn’t have past 12am! this is so sickening. Now, i can only hope orientation is nice and fun and everything!