Oh my oh my.

Archive for November 2008


Posted on: November 27, 2008

If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now. Even if we don’t speak often, please post a comment with a memory of You and I. It can be good or bad, it can be anything you want. When you’re finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people remember about you.

Do a favour and comment. =)

I was buying stuffs and materials for my CDS project at Popular the other day. It was a saturday and it was raining heavily, which explained why there were more people than usual in that place. So soon enough, it was my turn to pay and i saw a board that said that you can pre-order hardback copies of The tales of Beedle the Bard, and that the hard copies are a one time print. It was 20.28dollars. Knowing me, the only books that i’ll readily pay for are actually HP books and yeah, i paid for it. 😀

In short, I PREORDERED MY COPY OF THE TALES OF BEEDLE THE BARD. I saw the price and i thought it was cheap shit cus the previous books were like 50bucks. But i think think, shit this book is like, less that 1/3 of the thicker books. But on account that its a JKR book. Give lor. I will buy it sooner or later anyway.

And the release date is less than a week! HURRAY!

For no reason, GG stopped for a week. Is it because of the economy crisis?

Anyway, i am lagging behind my studies. Especially Retail Management. It doesn’t help that i’ve not yet started on my IJs when one of the submission is next week. As much as i actually like the subjects, i am not studying. No wait, i actually only like A&P. Crm’s a bore.

Since tomorrow is a short day, I WILL GET STARTED ON MY IJs. Hi work, i’m looking forward to your company for the rest of the week. And i should get myself away from teevee, net and all things that will distract. Alas, who am i kidding.


Posted on: November 23, 2008

Mondays are only made bearable because there’s gossip girl to look forward too. I AM WAITING FOR SOME HOT CHUCK AND BLAIR ACTION!

edit/ shit why is the next ep of gossip girl on the 1st of dec? Whatthefriggingshit.

you know, it is actually POSSIBLE to remove the uterus. I AM FRIGGING EXCITED AT THIS.

It could possibly mean NO MORE MENSTRUAL CRAMPS, which is like, awesome for most of us. And no chances of having a kid.


Posted on: November 19, 2008

So uhm, after watching the preview, all i can say is, NEXT EP PLEASE?! PRETTY PLEASE.

Chuck and Blair ftw seriously.

Posted on: November 16, 2008

I don’t know what are my priorities, or rather, what my priorities should be.

School life is stagnant, monotonous and dull at many time, especially during lessons. But once in a while, a little truancy a little fun brings colours to the otherwise boring school days that everyone has.

So yes, what should my priorities be?

p.s: I’ve been indulging myself in all the Harry potter goodness that has been thrown my way, WB, it would have been out NOW. THIS MOMENT, if you had the awesome brains to not push it back. Anyhow, i am wholeheartedly in love with this new trailer. *SQUEEEE* at the harmony scene(Harmony ftw!!!). I love goofy ron, and malfoy looked good enough to be eaten and i love hermione’s hair in potion and Seamus with exploding potion.

Oh, so if you had actually wondered what to get me for gifts, i reccommend all things harry potter. Right now i would very much like a Gryffindor or Ravenclaw hogwarts jumper!

In short, i am obsessed with love my Harry Potter.

I was reading fashionista and i came upon this, http://fashionista.com/2008/11/gap_jingles_rocks.php , its Xmas jingles by Gap and it puts you in the mood for a white, cold and heartwarming christmas! I will ALWAYS lament the fact that sg has no winter because winter wear is very nice! But then again, this is why we go overseas to see white christmases. Anyhow, i’m in love with those argyle sweaters!


This is the third trailer, Dear Warner, i give you credit with much love for trying to make us happier about the delay. Ohmygod if it gets any better, i might just die from excitement before the movie even comes out.

edit: I NEVER SEEM TO BE ABLE TO EMBED. Shit i’m such a noob.

Posted on: November 14, 2008

My head is pounding. I think its trying to challenge the extreme by pounding until my head cracks. =)

Life’s been good, even if idiots try to mess it, no fret, i have friends who protect me against idiots like Dettol is to bacteria.

Bye, i need to think of a way to save money.

p/s: i think my mum makes amazing soups. This deserves 3smileys, so here you go mum, :D:D:D