Oh my oh my.

Archive for August 2006

went to wenhui’s house after bio prac today. XD. bio prac was er, not easy. but but, it wasn’t difficult too, or at least, question1 wasn’t difficult. food test. same. lucky there wasn’t fats test, that’s my worst of all.

enough of school work, talk about something else. haha. i’m bringing FRIED MARS BARS for the class party tomorrow. but, its limited cus there are only 24 of them! BOO! first come first serve, but, my 38gang has priority! they have one reserved for each of them. =D what a spread it would be tomorrow! wenhui is making agar agar, ber is bringing potato salad. shimin bringing ice-cream puffs, aisyah buying curry puffs, hewwai making longan beancurd. WHEE. the thought of it makes me drool…XD. oh fine, push all the diet crap aside, nowadaya, besides mugging in both school and at home, the only other thing i do is crap. and other than crapping and mugging, there’s me either eating, sleeping or grow fat. nice life huh? BLEH. i’m a professional rotter.

她说的对,做人还真是不要太执著,才能好好过。有些人,就像她,虽然看起来迷迷糊糊的,但是,她对人生的态度,还真是值得我学习,不提名字了,否则有些人又会说我是因为太崇拜她,所以认为她说什么都是对的。可是,我现在是就事论事, 不是因为她是她。要把每一天都过得很充实,也是她的座右铭, 我也在慢慢体会把人生过的充实的重要性。我觉得自己现在比起以前,还真是比较放得开了。像我最近的 ‘blog incident’, 我就觉得自己处理得不错啊。换成是以前的我哦,早就破口大骂了,现在的我,最起码能心平气和的坐下来和朋友商量‘对策’。人越大越成熟,因为要适应周围,总不可能一辈子都让人迁就自己吧?而且,一辈子,哪有一直都很顺利的?中间当然也要有些风风雨雨啊。这样才能有一个美丽又精彩的一生,死的时候,在下面也能对别人说,我生前可是过得很精彩的呢,得上是‘不枉此生’!

i’ve decided not to be bothered. =)

was just reading through my tagboard. again. LOL. thought that the whole thing was darn hilarious. at this rate that it is going, my blog, or rather, my tagboard is so gonna be the MOST active tagboard. ever. i mean of course, other than those celebrity blogs.
after so many days, i can actually laugh looking at those tags. but really, all these tags make me wonder if i really have a problem with myself. ok, from now on, i’ll be more self-conscious. think before i speak, to be specific.

and and, i wanted a camera because i want to take a few good pictures around me. for keepsake. not because i wanted pictures of myself in it, hell i’m not those picture freaks like you know, famous, pretty and stick-thin artistes. XD.

i really really want to thank ALL my friends who didn’t mind spending a few precious minutes of their precious lives to stand up for me in the tags, thanks dears, i really really do appreciate that. without ypu guys, i will die. XD. and and, and as added note to jevon, dun misunderstand jun, she doesn’t bite and that comment wasn’t for you. jun’s a very friendly person, well, friendly until something annoys her. and and, i think she’ll like to know you too. =D. and and, i’ve found out the real meaning of these words, ‘ a friend in need is a friend indeed’. thanks to all the anonymous taggers for letting love my friends more than ever. that’s the only thing i want to sae to the taggers.

and and, i would also like to sae thank you to the various lalas, lulus, lolos and anonymouses, thanks for letting me know myself better. something must be wrong with me to arouse so much ‘commotion’. well, from now on, i’ll try to be a better person and reflect on some of my posts cus i felt some were really rude too.
and and and, so sorry to say, but due to the fact that the taggers are ‘nameless’, i dunno how to address them, and to be fair, all shall be known as THEM or ITS. so sorry, i wanted to put he/she but i reckon better not because as a science student, my teachers taught me things, and although i’m not really good in science, i learnt not to make any assumptions. and in this case, i shan’t and so sorry to the anoymouses, i can only refer to you as ITS. sorry, i have poor grammar, ITS is the best thing i can think of already. =)

cheers everyone. 🙂 TRICIA IS HAPPY.


手牵手 跟我一起走

**Jolin in the house
DT in the house

Our love in the house
Sweet sweet love…


手牵手 跟我一起走

手牵手 我们一起走

爱惜她 尊重她
安慰她 保护着她
Yes I do

手牵手 一路到尽头

So sweet! can’t help but loving this song…=))

lalala! 好开心!因为找到了一个‘志同道合’的朋友! 其实,也不能说是志同道合啦,就只是找到了一个除了kelly还会用chinese fonts blog的朋友!她就是JEVON!haha.而且,我所谓用chinese fonts blog 的意思,不是拿几个华文自掺进posts而已,是用华文字type out one whole post. 想想,很多人因该都不会用华文字,因为麻烦啊!需要把汉语拼音弄出来,然后再从好多好多‘同音字’里找出正确的字,还真是件不容易的事。。。

可是呢,我就是和别人不同。人家喜欢用英文,我就用华文!反正我已经不用考华文了,就让我在这里过点用华文的瘾咯。而且,我一直以来都认为,华文这个语言就是一种比较细腻的语言,因为不同的情绪、感觉、甚至是心思,都有不同的字来表达出来。就觉得好奇妙哦,可能是自己的英文不好啦,但是好像很多时候,用英文就是找不出心里想要表达的感觉。华文就不同了,每次都能找到要用来表达自己的字。总而言之,就是觉得自己比较可以跟华文relate. LOL.

shall stop here today cus i still need to do my maths paper 2s…

kelly 今天唱‘计时炸弹’的时候,现场好像有些冷场,不过不要紧,因为我, yan and jevon 一直都很HIGH! LOL. 然后,他们离开的时候,我们也追了上去,kelly上了车,我们就在旁边等,然后,就随口问问她之后会去那里。 好奇吧?上了车还能说话?当然可以啊,虽然之间隔了一层玻璃,但还是行啊! 只是,隔着一层玻璃说话的感觉还真是。。。有趣兼辛苦。HAHA!

看了blog, 又发现了一些闲杂人等的留言,好纳闷!好可恶!我到底是做错了什么让他们感到那么厌恶啊?讨厌!blog 就是你的私人空间啊,你那里不爽?! 我喜欢写什么就写什么,这是我的权利,只要没有侵犯到任何人的名誉就好了啊!
我就是这样,嘴上是说不会被影响啦,但是,心里还是会介意啊。 我这个人就是这样, 你要说我什么都可以,但是你一定要当面地对我说, 我保证,一定听,而且,会加倍努力地改变自己的缺点,把它们变成优点。但是,只要是在我背后说的,又让我听到,我一定会一直想,一直想,然后被这些所谓的流言蜚语烦到。好烦!好,就听wenhui and weimin 的劝告,不要管!我绝对不能被这些流言蜚语给打败!我是新时代的坚强的young woman! 好啦,有点夸张,但是,我不会被打倒的,因为我知道还有很多爱我的家人和朋友!

林翠微!加油! 加油! 加油!好白痴…

hoho. just leaving a quick post before i leave for the PSS 2 promo concert!

so darn tired. i wanna sleep, but there’s kelly! so can’t miss it. =X before i leave, let’s hope that everythng goes smoothly today and that nothing will spoil my mood. =))

“舞台魅力, 属她第一,
台湾力捧, 展翅高飞.
just a reminder to all reading, GCMA, is gonna be held on the 28th of October 2006. 5 singaporean singers including kelly has be nominated for the newcomer award. please cast your sacred votes for the local talents.(esp. KELLY POON, 潘嘉丽!)

no school today, so i’m rotting in front of the computer now at this time of the day. just called weimin, heard from her that the paper wasn’t very easy, but i have 100% faith in my babes, so, i believe they will do well!

heard david tao and jolin’s new song, “今天你要嫁给我”, very nice! and i thought that the lyrics were very meaningful too!
and and, i watched the news, Apple has to pay Creative a huge sum of money for some sort of compensation and copyright thing. god. world-wide renowned Apple actually lost the case to Creative, god. it must be quite a shame for them huh? LOL.

some happy things. miss ang is booking the 2e5 EOY chalet for us! whee! thanks miss ang! and and, i told miss ang about the latest happenings. she sounded really really shocked.

today during physics, ms chua said i’m the kind of girl who should be respected cus i stand up for my own rights. ha. and she said like i’m like the big sister of my 2e5 girls. thanks cher! i feel so flattered.

i did a few personality tests in school today. hell, i’m a personality test freak, i go gaga when i see personality tests! they rock!!! the tests i did today didn’t really seem accurate. the test results were super positive. but its not me. looks like i have split personalities. XD. and and, i’m a horoscope believer too! amazing to see how it ‘predicts’ your day’s life ahead. LOL. its actually quite fun to read it once in a while.

relationships between human beings are so, er…intriguing? yup, something like that. i like you today, but that doesnt mean that i’ll still like you tomorrow, like fashion, one day you’re in, the next day you’re out. XD. and very often, its the people around you who gives you the biggest shock of your life.

well, all of a sudden, i just knew that wanting and PJ are very close, i must admit that i’m horribly, terribly shocked but i can’t say anything since its her decision anyway. but i still think that its a pity that she doesn’t choose JC. although its not confirmed or what, i hope that PJ will cherish her like what how we cherish one another as friends. and, most importantly, she won’t regret her decisions and that she’ll be happy with what she wants. still, no matter how much i say, i’m still very much a hardcore JC SUPPORTER! =X

and to clarify yesterday’s post, it wasn’t jun who broke up with her boyfriend. its her someone from the side of the drain, as we like to call her. and really, who would believe that the ever sensible jun will cut herself? common sense please.