Oh my oh my.

Archive for December 2008

Posted on: December 28, 2008

Ijs suck my life out. Especially those that involve designing posters.

Posted on: December 26, 2008

I’ve got some new year resolutions here.

1. Pay attention and try not to skip school unnecessarily.
2. Stop doing last minute work for ijs. And projects. And practically everything else which applies.
3. Buy something only when i will use it. SUCH AS WEARING ALL THOSE SHOES THAT’S STILL IN THEIR BOXES.
4. Start saving money proper for the future.

That’s all for now. Really, every year i make resolutions, but i never seem to be able to follow them. I’ll try harder this year! Of course, i will probably add more to the list when the time comes, but for now this is all. I would like to do up a wishlist too, but alas, i’m too lazy to type everything what i want out, its  a long long list there.


I was over at childfree just now. If you don’t mind, read it. Read this and the article that was linked to it. And read the comments.

Screw your speech.

Seriously, this is discrimination at its best. So much for one for all and all for one. He’ll prolly go on and yadda about Twilight next, like how the previous one yaddaed about Harry Potter.

I am really glad that i don’t have a religion since a long time ago. No, i’m not pinpointing anything, but boy am i glad. Propaganda shit.

Posted on: December 23, 2008

i saw this, and i wanted and felt like doing it. So here goes.

1. do you have secrets?
Yeah, who doesn’t.

2. would you fall in love with a boy younger than you?
I used to think NO. But recently i gave it much thought and yeah why not, maybe a year or 2 younger is ok. Not the i’m 45 and he’s just turning 20 kind, thats like pedophile, besides, i don’t rob cradles. lol

3. do you enjoy going school?
When deadlines aren’t on the agenda, yeah.

4. what would you do with a billion dollars?
Travel, charity, see Harry, see edward, see draco, see JKR and ask why didn’t Harry and Hermione get married and lived happily after.

5. which is more blessed, being loved or loving someone?
both have their perks.

6. list out 10 favourite songs
Let me check. Its in my itunes but i’m lazy to type it out, next time perhaps.

7. if the person you admired is attached, what will you do?
cry myself hoarse and jump from my flat. SIAO WHAT CAN I DO? just be happy lor.

8. is there anything that makes you extremely happy?
buying things. Its not shopping that makes people happy. ITS SPENDING MONEY. Getting the things you like is just a bonus. Oh, a good harry/hermione news can make me squee!

9. what makes you angry?
uh, stupid people. Bad service. They’re normally interlinked.

10. how would you see yourself in 10 years time?
i don’t know. Hopefully i’ll be getting for life ahead and have a steady job and good income. Material wise, i really hope i have a 2.55 and a Lindy by the time i turn 28.

11. who is currently the most important person to you?
as usual, family, friends.

12. what is the most important thing in life?
Having a life.

13. would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
Single and Rich. I think money’s kind of important to me. I hate it when people tell me that you can survive on love, you’re bound to have disagreements over money. And besides, what’s gonna pay your bills? Sex?

14. what is your fav colour?
green, purple, red, black. Certain shades of blue.

16. if you fell in love with 2 people, who will you pick?
I’ll choose the one with more money.

17. would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a person has done to you?
No. nonono! I forgive but i never forget.

18. what do you want to tell the person you like?
Screw you, boy.

19. what type of person will you fall in love with?
Uh, he has to be a wizard or a vampire. No wait, i think i prefer wizards. Wizards with green eyes, messy black hair and the ability to kill the dark lord.

20. list 5 1 person people to pass this on to:

I watched Twilight just now. the movie was good. You’ll know what’s happening from the start to the end, there’s flow there’s climax etc. I think Twilight the Movie totally pwned Harry Potter and OoTP/GOF. As the story went, the books got thicker and i guess its really hard to fit a 700page HP book into a movie. And if you never read the books, it is quite likely that you’ll not understand what’s happening in HP. But twilight’s different! You get the story, get it?

So i told jenna after the movie that Bella’s hair was beautiful. Its as though she doesn’t have to do anything to it, but it’ll still look so good.

Now i want a boyfriend, he has to be either a Wizard or a Vampire. But! Edward Cullen was once Cedric Diggory, this means he’s both right?

Posted on: December 22, 2008

Jasmine and i must’ve been good girls this year bacause we got free bags from Santa! Oh man, he must have read my post about the Lindy bag previously. Whoever says Santa is not real should take some time and reflect themselves. Tsk.

Posted on: December 21, 2008

My holidays are half gone and i’ve did nothing. NOTHING. In the sense that nothing constructive came out. I have a deadline on my first day back at school.

I think CWTV has some awesome marketers behind the scenes, or at least the mktg dept of GG.
Because you give us such an awesome preview and expect us to wait for 3 weeks. You have it in you guys man.

My chinese name’s 林翠薇,as you may or may not have known. My parents told me they initially wanted to name me 林倩微, whereby 倩= Qian. But my granddad didn’t like the word 倩.

Makes me wonder if i would be different from now had i was named a word different?

Anyway, CAN’T WAIT TO WATCH TWILIGHT. Although Harry Potter owns them any other day.

Posted on: December 15, 2008

Diarrhoea plus a temperature plus whole body aching equals to not amused.

Anyhow, i’ve ordered my book from amazon.com and am now contented.

Posted on: December 13, 2008

What’s the best way to save money?