Oh my oh my.

Archive for September 3rd, 2007

Just to tell those who’re praying that i’ll vanished from the surface of earth someday, sorry, your dream ain’t coming through soon enough, perhaps you should try doing some good deeds, that’ll make your fairy godma happy and perhaps grant your wish. No wait, on second thoughts, i think she’ll never grant that wish, she prefers me than you. Take that won’t you. Ok, my point is, i’m still alive and kicking and will continue to annoy people who finds me annoying.

YAY! Exams are finally over and done with and i think, lest any shit crops up, i should prolly be able to pass all my papers with at least a D. On hindsight though, i really should have did my tutorials, then i wouldn’t have to cramp everything into that puny thing in my head. My brain is normal sized, really, just that say, of the percentage i’m utilizing it for everything, prolly only 7% stores info from books. So its the 7% that’s small, not my brain.

The book spreer didn’t organise book sprees. Cheat my feelings.

I’ve been spending time looking through Yahoo!Auctions in both Yahoo! TW and Yahoo! SG, TW’s has realllllllly fab deals, i mean it! God, why didn’t i live there, i could have saved on all the shipping that could really buy another on more or two of whatever that i need.

Ay, shoppers’ alert! Cotton On’s opened! Located just beside F21, i swear ah, Cotton On took like some of the customers away from F21, and really, F21’s starting to overprice their stuff. RIP-OFFS. Busy week ahead, the best thing about holidays is to be able to go out and chill with your buds and not have to say things like, “Ombloodyshitszx, i feel so guilty cus i haven’t studied for the exams!” And then proceed to look like one just committed a serious offense. BYE EXAMS!

A whole day out tomorrow and prolly a half a day out on tues, but i’m gonna have dinner at home on tues! Yes, i’m splitting birthday into 2parts! Friends, then family.

Work starts on next monday and i’m gonna earn money and save it all up for my trip next year to tw! WO AI TAIWAN.

I want comfy skimmers, why are pretty and comfy things always expensive? this sucks.

TV alert! 爱情魔发师 is showing from next friday, 7th sept and i can’t wait to watch it even after 24564 times of rewatching. What, i’m a cheena pok, cannot is it. Plus, inside got eye candy WHAT.

Trip back to school on friday was pretty smooth, we were the earliest group from the 2006 cohord and unfortunately had to go through the char kway teow, mee goreng shit. What has become of my school? It would have been “Char Si Lang” if we were back there. =( Buck up hai sing! Please get that Autonomous status which the school was aiming for since i went in in 2003, ITS THE 5TH EFFING YEAR ALREADY. Wait, i think my school aimed for that even when my seniors were in sec 1, that would make it since 2001 thank you.

Had subway and then had a few rounds of pool after it. I swear i suck at pool. I didn’t win a single round. After that i headed to town to meet ky and gang. Ohwell, shopping cures everything, provided that you have enough money.

I WANT TO PLAY MAHJONG, its been 324564 years since i last touched the tiles, who wants to play with me huh? SOMEONE DATE ME FOR MJ PLEASE.

There you go, long entry. Ok, i’m off to the shower and will then continue with my show. 😀 Have a good week ahead pretties.