Oh my oh my.

Archive for April 10th, 2007

Just finished Dicey Business about 1min ago. DAMN NICE. good 30+ hours spent. But the ending was crap. =)

I think i miss my long hair. =(



i think shimin has a flair for handicrafts.


Fyi, she made this herself using an hour plus only. PRO CAN.

im crap.

Posted on: April 10, 2007

SAMTENGJIAYIN. Apologies for being such a bum. I CAN’T BELIVE THAT I GOT YOUR NUMBER WRONG FOR THE 2ND TIME AND THUS ALMOST RUINED OUR 6YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP. So, i hereby say a heartfelt sorry and give you the permission to slap me when you see me tomorrow. SORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY! Yes, i deserve to be stoned.

That aside, i’m quite amazed at myself, i’ve been replaying steph sun’s newest album on my player for about 2 weeks already. Its super nice! especially 咕叽咕叽 and 我怀念的. i can’t stop listening! Its so addictive. =)

Short-term memory came back. crap. i keep forgetting things nowadays. i really hope that i don’t forget tuition on wednesday. =\ I’M SO WORRIED. What if i screwed it up. That’ll be real nasty rubbish. What if he asks me something and i don’t know, HA. That’ll be the end.

2 more weeks before school commences! =D Am i excited? Yes. Am i afraid? Yes, a tit bit. Am i worried? A little bit too. Am i anxious? A bit. Am i too paranoid? Maybe. Ay, smack those except the first 3. I hope i’m in the same class as bo chao and marvin whether the other two likes it or not. =\ i need some people i know or i’ll be damn lost. That’ll be like back in Primary 1 and Secondary 1. yikes. But i can’t wait! YAY!

Before i forget, THANKS BO. You saved my comp i think. =D